Lysosomal and Rare Disorders Treatment Center
Patient Centered Care
Ozlem Goker-Alpan MD, LLC
Ozlem Goker-Alpan MD, LLC
| May 8, 2023 | Gaucher Disease - Patient & Family Education Meeting
Read More
| February 22, 2023 | WORLDSymposium
Our team attends WORLDSymposium 2023

| October 25, 2022 | Gaucher Patient & Family Conference
October 23 – 25, 2022
Embassy Suites, Minneapolis, MN

| August 5, 2022 | National MPS Society Conference in Nashville
Dr. Goker-Alpan at the National MPS Society Conference in Nashville, TN.

| July 28-30, 2022 | NNPDF Conference
Dr. Goker-Alpan and LDRTC's team is at NNPDF Family support & Medical Conference 2022 on July 28- July 30 in Orlando, Florida

| May 13, 2022 | COVID-19
Vaccines for adolescents.

| July 29, 2021 | Top 10% most cited paper published
Team LDRTC's article "Impaired autophagic and mitochondrial functions are partially restored by ERT in Gaucher and Fabry diseases" is among the top 10% most cited @PLOSONE papers published in 2019. #GaucherDisease #fabrydisease

Dr. Goker Speaks at WorldSymposium
Dr. Ozlem Goker-Alpan will be speaking at the CME Satellite Symposium: Critical Impact of Inflammation in Lysosomal Diseases: Unlocking future treatments and improving outcomes at the WORLDSymposium 2021 this Thursday, February 11, 2021, 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Monitoring and management of inflammation in Gaucher disease: Challenges, options and useful tools.(Accredited provider: Postgraduate Institute for Medicine (PIM); Jointly provided by PIM and Saterdalen & Associates, LLC; Supported by an independent educational grant from Takeda).
Monitoring and management of inflammation in Gaucher disease: Challenges, options and useful tools.(Accredited provider: Postgraduate Institute for Medicine (PIM); Jointly provided by PIM and Saterdalen & Associates, LLC; Supported by an independent educational grant from Takeda).

| January 22, 2021 | LDRTC approved by ACGME

| March 25, 2020 |
In the face of the challenges posed by the current COVID-19 pandemic, LDRTC is continuing to serve the Rare Disease community by maintaining the medical services offered to our patients with Lysosomal Disorders, Immune deficiencies, and other rare diseases.
We remain fully operational to administer infusions and injectable therapies at our Infusion Clinic. Clinical Trial protocols for many life-saving therapies are similarly moving forward without any interruption.

| March 17,2020 |
Dear patients and family members,
With the emergence of COVID-19 pandemic, our patients and their families are understandably unsettled about its implications for their health and well-being.
We suggest that the patients under our care follow the CDC recommendations given to the highest risk populations such as the elderly and those with other co-morbid conditions, which pose a greater risk of complications. Please check the CDC website for current updates.

| February 11, 2022 | WORLDSymposium
LDRTC team at WORLDSymposium 2022.

Welcome to
Lysosomal and
rare disorders
Treatment Center
We provide comprehensive medical care and consultation for individuals with various LSDs nationwide and internationally. Our center serves as a platform for patients and families affected by these debilitating disorders.